Legal – Legal Access

Legal – Legal Access


Legal Services through LegalEASE

Receive concierge attorney matching service with complete confidentiality to the legal matter

  • Being a member saves you and your family (including spouse and children) on costly legal fees and provides coverage for:
    • Tenant Dispute and Foreclosure (primary residence)
    • Debt Collection Defense and Student Loan Refinancing
    • Will and Estate Planning
    • License Suspension and Lemon Law Litigation
    • Adoptions and Juvenile Court Proceedings
    • Civil Litigation Defense and Review of Simple Documents




Enjoy life.  Worry Less.


Note: When you enroll, you are enrolling for the full plan year and must remain in the plan until the next annual enrollment period.

How It Works

Contact Us

 Phone  1-800-642-5746
 M - F 9a - 6p ET


Answers about the plan, including eligibility, options, enrollment, customer service and more.
  • Who is the LegalEASE provider?

    With LegalEASE, it’s easy to choose the best attorney, because you get assistance from highly trained and qualified personal specialists who review the details of local attorneys and help you find your best source for legal advice. Being a LegalEASE member saves you time and costly legal fees. But most importantly, it gives you confidence and provides coverage for common legal matters.
  • How can this help me?

    With a LegalEASE plan, you get:


    • An attorney with expertise specific to your legal matter
    • Access to a national network of attorneys with exceptional experience that are matched to meet your needs
    • Coverage for in and out-of-network
    • Concierge help finding a better attorney and navigating common individual or family legal issues
    • Hours of financial counseling and coaching


    You work hard to make the right choices for your loved ones, especially when it comes to legal and financial matters. Get the peace of mind you want and the protection you need with a LegalEASE Plan. LegalEASE offers valuable benefits to shield your family and savings from unexpected legal issues.

  • Who is eligible?

    You, your spouse and dependent children (Up to age 19; Age 19 - 26 enrolled full-time at an accredited university).
  • What’s covered?

    LegalEASE gives you 3 options to review your Legal Plan coverage. You can refer to the plan certificate, you can visit and click on the coverage tab, or members can call 1-888-416-4313 and reference "Aramark" from 7:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. Monday - Friday, Central Time.
  • Are there any exclusions?

    The plan covers most personal legal services. The following matters are excluded from coverage:


    • Appellate court proceedings, class actions, interventions, derivative action and amicus curiae filings.
    • The preparation and filing of individual, partnership or estate tax returns, appellate or administrative proceedings related to tax returns, litigation before the U.S. Tax Court, U.S. Court of Claims or any other federal, state or other courts with respect to tax matters.
    • Matters relating to securities, trademark or patent matters
    • Business or commercial interests, including, but not limited to, professional, partnership and/or corporate matters
    • Matters involving the law or laws of jurisdictions other than the United States and its territories except as specifically described under Covered Services
    • Any matters involving a government (domestic or foreign) entity or agency except as specifically described under Covered Services
    • Farm related issues
    • Matters involving commercial or rental property transactions, including the purchase, sale or lease of investment or income-producing property.
    • Legal services that are fully paid for or provided at no cost by any governmental agency, organization or insurance company.
    • Matters that the attorney deems frivolous, spurious, harassing, or unethical (collectively referred to as “frivolous”) or otherwise prohibited by the Model Rules of Professional Conduct of the state in which the attorney is licensed.
    • Costs associated with covered legal services, including but not limited to, all fines, court costs, penalties, sanctions, expert witness fees, bonds, bail bonds, attorney fees, exhibits, deposition costs, filing fees, transcripts, postage, telephone, photocopying, recording fees, messengers, judgments, jury fees, court reporter fees, investigative costs and all other incidental and out-of-pocket legal and litigation costs.
    • Any services on behalf of a Covered Family Member against the interests of the Member.
    • Any employment-related matter. This includes, but is not limited to, any dispute involving the Member’s employer or its affiliates, their officers or directors, the Member’s employee benefit plans, credit unions, programs or arrangements sponsored by an employer, or cases involving workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, sex harassment, age discrimination, etc.
    • Any dispute or proceeding against the following persons or entities, their officers, directors, employees, or agents: any person or entity involved in the sale, marketing, administration or other processes related to this Policy
    • Legal Plan Administrator or its subsidiaries
    • Claims Administrator or its subsidiaries
    • Policyholder
    • Member’s employer
    • LegalEASE and it’s parents, subsidiaries or any affiliated or successor company, plan underwriter or reinsurer; Plan Sponsor; or any Participating and/or Non-Participating Attorney, if the dispute or proceeding pertains to services provided under the Policy.
    • The Policy will not provide benefits in connection with pre-existing matters, which includes any matter where the Member and/or Covered Family Member is on notice as to a pending legal dispute or has previously contacted an attorney, except when prior coverage under another Legal Plan provided by the Policyholder can be demonstrated.
    • Where there are specific hours or dollar amounts provide in this Policy, or where a maximum is set under the Managed Case Rules, the Member will be responsible for all attorney fees incurred over the maximum.
    • Additional exclusions related to each benefit are included in the Covered Services.


    Please refer to the plan certificate for additional details.

  • What attorney can I use?

    As a member you have access to our nationwide network of more that 20,000 participating attorneys from which to choose. The credentialing standards that LegalEASE utilizes to vet our Network Attorneys is the most stringent in the country. We focus on years of experience, as well as insurance, review of E&O and Discipline, as well as penalty of perjury submissions with extensive background checks. If you stay within the network, covered legal services are provided with no additional attorney fees. You also have the flexibility to use an out-of-network attorney and get reimbursed for covered services according to a set fee schedule.


    Call our toll free number, 1-888-416-4313 and reference "Aramark", to be matched with a Network Attorney near you.

  • How is the attorney paid?

    Attorneys' services for covered legal matters are fully paid up to the maximum benefit amount by the plan except for excluded matters and third-party fees. When services are rendered for covered matters, you do not receive a bill from the Network Attorney. All billing and payments are handled directly between the Network Attorney and the plan.
  • What if my employment status changes?

    You may continue this legal insurance by electing the option of portability when you no longer qualify as an employee of Aramark or as a Member of the group to which the Group Policy is issued. You must apply for portability within sixty (60) days of this disqualifying event and make arrangements for premium payment. Portability coverage will take effect, subject to payment of the initial premium, as of the date the your coverage under the Group Policy terminates. Credit will be given for any applicable Waiting Period based upon the number of months coverage was in force for you under the Group Policy.

Group legal plans are provided by MetLife Legal Plans, Cleveland, Ohio. In certain states, the plans are provided through insurance coverage underwritten by Metropolitan Property and Casualty Company and Affiliates, Warwick, Rhode Island.


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